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Workshop DIA



Morning: TUD presentation DiA Presentation TUD/DiA groups team up Architectural robotics, Hardware & tooling of D2RP Wiki, structuring the workshop and studio pages

Afternoon Architectural robotics, Software of D2RP systems D2RP test: Hot wire cutting Architectural robotics, software & simulation of D2RP Design projects discussion sessions (TUD + DiA teams)

Evening Production Tests, Hot Wire Cutting Design working sessions Production Tests, Robotic Milling


Morning: Architectural robotics, Hardware, Setup & Tooling of D2RP at DiA Architectural robotics, Software & parametric tool path generation Design and material tests working sessions

Afternoon, Evening Design and material tests working sessions Production Tests

Wednesday Morning: 3 Design being selected and to be informed in terms D2RP TUD+DiA Design project Presentations (Groups 1, 2, 3) Design and material tests working sessions

Afternoon Design and material tests working sessions Production Tests

Evening Design and material tests working sessions First group start production


Morning, Afternoon, Evening Design and material tests working sessions Production Tests Second group start production


Morning, Afternoon, Evening Design and material tests working sessions Production Tests Third group start production