Msc2G5 talk:Midterm

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- For the mid-term review, you will all present from the wiki itself. Thus, in the studio groups section of the wiki, kindly start uploading the following:

Developing a multi-performative Interactive Acoustic System for the Science Center.

Primary problem statement

- Lessen the sound in the building by absorption / lessen the sound by getting the visitors to be more quiet (especially children) / represent the acoustic situation


- Museum - Short term layer (mostly interesting for children)/ long term layer (mostly interesting for adults)
- Sensors differentiate between adults and children
- Paint a picture of the sound over the long-term


All inspirations which are relevant to your idea (including videos etc) Anechoicroom.jpg

State how the knowledge gained in the workshop will be helpful for developing your project and how it backs your concept Final presentation (each group will present for 15 minutes). The presentation of your concept has to be clear and should illustrate why you feel this is a good solution for the task at hand:

Inspiration Img13.png 7051f4f0af8815c0a63ceafddde775b8.jpg "Whisper - Whispering makes the children curious. They want to know if something secret is going on. Whispering gets their attention much more than yelling." [1]

“If you interrupt us while we’re talking, we will not respond. Learn to pay attention.” [2]